Friday, August 20, 2010

Dear God of sinners and faithful alike,

Forgive me for my sins.They have hurt me, and the ones I love too..Please make it up to them , and spare me.Please guide me, and never let my hand, as I am so easily distracted, and weak.I admit I'm wrong, but I don't know how to make things right.

I don't understand why all of this is happening in my life, but I can't assume you are anything but love,and grace.If there is love, and forgiveness in this world, it is because of you.Sometimes I pray for mercy, but it seems wrong to me, as you are already the most merciful, and the most gracious.

I am so tired, and broken.Please fix me, and make me happy.I am tired of breaking the hearts of those who care for me, and for failing myself.Please return the favour to everyone who supported me , and even those who didn't.I can't take anymore tests.I am weak, and in need of you.No one but you can make it right.

Give me happiness and peacefulness.Make my life a happy one.Make my dreams come true.Make me feel safe in this world , and always surrounded by your love, as if you are hugging me all the time.Please make everything fall into place in my life, work , love, family , social life, everything ..Bless me with the best , and make me thankful for it.Please.

Make me a good person.Always helping those in need, and never moving from your grace.

Please make everything right in a way that no one can imagine, because you are the only one who can.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dear God,

It's time to save me now.You are great, and beyond our possible knowledge.I feel you are there,please save me, and make it safe, and peaceful to me and my beloved ones.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dear God,

Please forgive me for all the wrong things I do. I don't know why I do them. God I need you right now so badly. I don't know what to do or who to trust anymore. You are my only true friend God. Set me free from all my bondages God please! Give me the strength and the patience to resist all my temptations. I need your help so bad Lord. You give me so many good things and I give nothing in return. Why are you so good to me God? What do I have to offer to you? Show me what you want me to do God. I can't live without you Lord, give me another chance. I know I will probably ask for the same thing tomorrow and the day after that God, but that's all I know to do. In Jesus name, Amen.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

O' Lord,

please forgive me for any wrong I may have done this day. Give me the strength and courage to understand I have done wrong. Guide me in whatever you need me to do and what ever it is I need to say. You know what's best for me. It is out of my hands and you have full control. Steer me in the direction away from sin. Teach me the things I do not know. Punish me as you see fit. Your in charge, not I. Thank you for all your works of all that's seen and unseen. There is so much mystery to the holy trinity, please make me understand. Thank you for giving me this day. Make me see your light. Allow me to hear your voice. Amen.

Lori - Florida

Friday, August 13, 2010

My First Letter

Dear God,

I've decided to pray in written form tonight. I think it will help me keep my thoughts more clear and orderly, even though You already know what they all are.

Thank You so much for giving us life, and giving us Your precious Earth to live on. I know we haven't taken very good care of it so far, but there are a lot of people who are really trying hard to fix that. I can't wait 'til I have the opportunity to see more of Your beautiful creation. I hope that in my lifetime, I'll be able to help the earth and all its creatures by spreading vegetarianism. It's an issue that really deserves a lot more focus than it get gets, and it shouldn't be all about radicals like PETA. It should be about the animals and their lives, (again, something You already know).

Anywho, back to the main point of this prayer; God, can you please help me find a boyfriend? I know this sounds like a silly schoolgirl request, but I'm very serious. I'm so lonely, and I really need a good, kind companion. I'm not just looking for a hottie patottie; I'd really like someone I can connect with, and I haven't found anyone yet. I'm 19 and I've never had a boyfriend. I know it's not up to You to deliver a man to my front door, and that's not what I'm asking for. I'm just looking for a little help and guidance; a push in the right direction, a sign or something. I really need Your help on this one.

God, again I give You thanks for everything You've given me in my life so far, and the strength You've given me to endure the tough things. Your wonder and glory truly amaze me, and I'm very lucky to feel so close to You. I hope in time my brother will outgrow his teenage atheism phase and return to Your light.

Thank You,

19, Female, United States

P.S.- I know You know I've been practically in love with ***** ********** since middle school, so I certainly wouldn't mind if the push you gave me was in his direction. Maybe those dreams I've been having are a sign from You. Then again, they could just be dreams. But hey, You work in mysterious ways. Thank You again, God. I love You.