Friday, August 13, 2010

My First Letter

Dear God,

I've decided to pray in written form tonight. I think it will help me keep my thoughts more clear and orderly, even though You already know what they all are.

Thank You so much for giving us life, and giving us Your precious Earth to live on. I know we haven't taken very good care of it so far, but there are a lot of people who are really trying hard to fix that. I can't wait 'til I have the opportunity to see more of Your beautiful creation. I hope that in my lifetime, I'll be able to help the earth and all its creatures by spreading vegetarianism. It's an issue that really deserves a lot more focus than it get gets, and it shouldn't be all about radicals like PETA. It should be about the animals and their lives, (again, something You already know).

Anywho, back to the main point of this prayer; God, can you please help me find a boyfriend? I know this sounds like a silly schoolgirl request, but I'm very serious. I'm so lonely, and I really need a good, kind companion. I'm not just looking for a hottie patottie; I'd really like someone I can connect with, and I haven't found anyone yet. I'm 19 and I've never had a boyfriend. I know it's not up to You to deliver a man to my front door, and that's not what I'm asking for. I'm just looking for a little help and guidance; a push in the right direction, a sign or something. I really need Your help on this one.

God, again I give You thanks for everything You've given me in my life so far, and the strength You've given me to endure the tough things. Your wonder and glory truly amaze me, and I'm very lucky to feel so close to You. I hope in time my brother will outgrow his teenage atheism phase and return to Your light.

Thank You,

19, Female, United States

P.S.- I know You know I've been practically in love with ***** ********** since middle school, so I certainly wouldn't mind if the push you gave me was in his direction. Maybe those dreams I've been having are a sign from You. Then again, they could just be dreams. But hey, You work in mysterious ways. Thank You again, God. I love You.

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